
Testing Policies

  • A photo ID is required to test (Student ID, driver’s license, passport, state ID). Student ID’s cannot be used with CLEP, DSST, and national certification exams.
  • The only materials allowed on the desktop while testing are scratch paper and a pen or pencil (unless special instructions are given for arranged test materials).
  • All scratch paper must be returned to the test administrator before leaving the room.
  • Cell phones, pagers, or other electronic equipment must be turned OFF and turned into the proctor.  Phones are kept in the proctor office during testing sessions.
  • Portable MP3’s, headphones, calculators, slide rulers, and other such items or aids are prohibited in the testing room.
  • Seating is limited and is by appointment.
  • Children are not allowed in the testing rooms. Proper supervision of small children should be arranged prior to testing – there are no child care facilities at the testing center.
  • No talking is permitted inside the testing rooms during testing.
  • No food or drink is permitted in the testing room.
  • Cancellation of a proctored test should be done at least 24 hours in advance to allow other test-takers the opportunity to test. Contact the Office of Testing at testingsav@georgiasouthern.edu or testing@georgiasouthern.edu to cancel or reschedule your test, if applicable to the exam.
  • Scheduling of proctored tests is done on a first-come-first-serve basis. To ensure that you are able to test on your desired test date, contact the Office of Testing at least a week in advance to ensure there is space available.

Weather Policy

To learn more about the weather policy for closing, please click here.