Leadership & Divisions


Kyle Marrero

President of Georgia Southern University
Office of the President

Direct Report

Katrina McNair

Chief Audit Officer
Office of Audit and Advisory Services

President’s Cabinet

Trip Addison, MBA

Vice President for University Advancement
Office of the Vice President for University Advancement

Annalee Ashley, Ed.D.

Vice President for External Affairs, Communications, and Strategic Initiatives; Chief of Staff to the President
Office of External Affairs
Communications and Public Relations


Vice President for Enrollment Management
Office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management

Maura Copeland, J.D.

Executive Counsel
Office of Legal Affairs

Chris Davis, BBA

Director of Athletics

Shay Little, Ph.D.

Vice President for Student Affairs
Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

Alejandra C. Sosa Pieroni, Ed.D.

Executive Vice President
Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success

Dominique A. Quarles, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership Development, and Inclusive Excellence
Office of Inclusive Excellence

Carl L. Reiber, Ph.D.

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ron Stalnaker, MBA

Vice President for Business and Finance
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance

David C. Weindorf, Ph.D.

Vice President for Research and Economic Development
Office of Research