Performance Excellence

The five pillars of Georgia Southern's strategic plan, represented by Greek columns, are: one - student success, two - teaching and research, three - inclusive excellence, four - operational efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability and five - community engagement.

People. Purpose. Action: Growing Ourselves to Grow Others.

Performance Excellence is an ongoing effort to promote an environment in which all individuals know and own their roles and responsibilities in achieving the aspirational vision of Georgia Southern University.

The goal is to build an environment within all our operations where people know what to do, why they are doing it and what we intend to accomplish. At the same time, these people will be engaged and part of solution-making, all while focused on the goals of the university’s strategic plan.

Here is the latest information related to Georgia Southern University’s ongoing efforts to become more efficient, more affordable, and more student-centered.

Leadership Scorecards

Senior Leadership Scorecards Quarterly Tasks

Strategic Enrollment Plan

Throughout the strategic enrollment planning process, we have been intentional in our use of data to ensure informed decision-making. Comprehensive situation analyses were completed for the following focus areas: Undergraduate Marketing & Recruitment, Student Finance & Financial Aid, Student Success, Undergraduate Academic Programs, Adult and Online Academic Programs, and Graduate Academic Programs. In addition to these situation analyses, enrollment and revenue goals were established using comprehensive projections models and conservative estimates.

After nine months of dedicated analysis and collaboration, we concluded that maintaining the status quo would result in an 8% decline in both enrollment and revenue by the academic year 2029-30. Therefore, implementing the strategic enrollment actions detailed in this plan is crucial to achieving the enrollment growth necessary to support the needs of our market and the economic development of our region.

We are determined not only to meet these expectations but to SOAR BEYOND!

Strategic Enrollment Plan (Login Required)

Budget Information

FY ’24 Documents

To view the draft documents for Fiscal Year 2023-2024, sign into MyGeorgiaSouthern as a faculty or staff member and navigate to Performance Excellence > FY2024 Budget Planning Documents.

Budget Document Archives

Sign into MyGeorgiaSouthern as a faculty or staff member and navigate to Performance Excellence to select the budget year.

Annual Reports

Each year, Georgia Southern University measures the ways in which we’ve met our strategic goals, helped our students succeed, and made an impact on our region.


Employees will learn more about the pay-bands, and we will post information about them online, after final review and approval of our budget by the University System of Georgia.

That includes:

  • An expanded enrollment services center for incoming students so they can find most of what they need in one location (approx. $1M)
  • Funding to expand counseling and mental health services for students (approx. $500,000)
  • Additional funding for military affairs office (approx. $20,000)
  • Funding for Wexford operations in Ireland (approx. $200,000)
  • Funding for college budgets to offset lost revenue for online tuition differential decline ($567,000)

The budget redirection was necessitated by a drop in enrollment, but the process is focused on how we can work together across Georgia Southern to better serve our students and what we can do to operate more efficiently as a university.

As this PowerPoint explains, fall headcount declined by 1,297 students, or 4.7%, since FY 2012. The reduction in revenue has had a significant impact on our budget.

Enrollment has been flat or declining for the last six years, since well before consolidation. Going forward, the priority is to stabilize our budget for all of Georgia Southern.

Vice presidents took advantage of retirements, voluntary departures and duplication of efforts. This effort was helped by the critical hire process and informed by the Comprehensive Administrative Review.

Georgia Southern is not alone. Enrollment increased at 12 institutions across the University System of Georgia last year, while it decreased at 14 institutions.

This is an effort where every employee plays a significant part. Everyone can make a difference. A new university strategic plan is underway that will ensure that we are meeting the needs of a diverse student population and a growing, changing regional economy. Additionally, a strategic enrollment plan and a major branding effort are being planned in support of the university strategic plan, which will align our efforts across the institution and throughout the region to enhance our ability to attract and retain students throughout every step of their educational journey.

We have managed to this point because we had budgeted conservatively and built up our annual contingency, or reserves, in our operating budget. Over the years, we have continued to eat away at that contingency by investing in new faculty and staff positions and other investments.

Our budget priorities for the next fiscal year are to support enrollment growth and retention, implement results identified by faculty and staff salary studies, fulfill our share of the proposed 2% merit increase for employees, and restore our annual contingency.