Budget Prioritization Process

Our Budget Planning Process

At Georgia Southern, our goal is to engage our institution in a transparent budget prioritization, development and implementation process. The timeline and process are designed to provide opportunities for each level of the institution to engage in the budget planning process.

This process also requires leadership to communicate prioritization decisions at each stage, beginning with departmental and unit discussions; followed by prioritization decisions at the college, major unit and divisional levels; and culminating with USG submission and finalized budgets.

For specific information regarding budget planning documents for a given fiscal year, please see the Performance Excellence tile in your MyGeorgiaSouthern portal.

Budget Prioritization Process Timeline

TimelineBudget Step
August – SeptemberDepartments, centers and units request budget items
September – OctoberColleges and Major Units begin prioritization
Beginning to middle of OctoberDivisions further refine budget priorities
Mid-October into NovemberInstitutional assessment of budget priorities
NovemberBudget submitted to USG
MayBudget is finalized