An Immersive Astronomy Laboratory
The Georgia Southern University Planetarium is an immersive astronomy laboratory housed in the Department of Biochem, Chem and Physics, within the College of Science and Mathematics. It is used to teach university courses and labs daily, as well as an independent study planetarium course for university students.
The Georgia Southern University Planetarium offers full-dome presentations available for Georgia Southern University students, public/private/home school groups and adults by reservation only on weekdays.
Admission Fees
Daily School Group Rate & Public Events
- $5 per Person
- Children 3 and Under: Free
Payment for the planetarium can be paid with check (School Groups only) or credit card. Payment must be paid in full before any show can begin.
All Sales are final. Refunds will only be issued for extenuating circumstances on a case by case basis. Refunds will not be issued for missing your show time or leaving during a show.