Advising for Science & Mathematics

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P.O. Box 8044-01, Statesboro, Georgia 30460
Phone: 912-478-0649
Fax: 912-478-2311

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Our searchable table makes it simple to connect with the right academic advisor for your needs. The table includes the advisor’s name and the college they serve. When you click on an advisor’s name, you’ll be taken to their profile, where you can find additional details, such as their title, the specific students they advise, their email address, and phone number. Use the search bar to easily filter results by name, college, or keyword, ensuring you can quickly locate the advisor who can best support you.

no_photo_headshot_eagleheadEmily Cowart-BrownCollege of Educationecowartbrown@georgiasouthern.eduSecondary EducationAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadKendra DensonCollege of Educationkdenson@georgiasouthern.eduElementary Education (Last names U-Z), Dual Certification (Last names U-Z), Health and Physical Education, Middle Grades Education, Special EducationAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadTonya HogueCollege of Educationthogue@georgiasouthern.eduElementary Education (Last Names J-T) & Dual Certification (Last names J-T)Academic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadEarnestine BurnsCollege of Educationeburns@georgiasouthern.eduElementary Education (Last names A-I), Dual Certification (Last names A-I), Exploratory EducationAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadMonica BristerCollege of Public Health912-478-2674jphcoph-gradadvisor@georgiasouthern.eduAll Graduate Majors on Statesboro Campus for the College of Public Health. Advisement is by appointment only.Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Elizabeth-MundhenkeElizabeth MundhenkeCollege of Public Health912-478-2675jphcoph-ugradadvisor@georgiasouthern.eduAll Undergraduate Majors on Statesboro Campus for the College of Public Health.Academic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadLan-Anh VoCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931lvo@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names Cas-D, Nursing Majors: Last Names Cas-D, Health Sciences-Radiologic Sciences Majors: Last Names N-ZAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadAudrie VarnerCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931avarner@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names E-Har, Nursing Majors: Last Names E-HarAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadEdith HinkleCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931esantana@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names A-B, Ng-Nz, Nursing Majors: Last Names A-B, Ng-Nz, Health Sciences-Radiologic Sciences Majors: Last Names A-FAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadGabrielle PierreCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931gpierre@georgiasouthern.eduCommunication Sciences and Disorders Majors: All last names, Sport Management Majors: Last Names F-J, R-ZAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Elizabeth-MundhenkeElizabeth MundhenkeCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931emundhenke@georgiasouthern.eduHealth Science-General/Fully online: All last namesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Rachelle-LittleRachelle LittleCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931rlittle@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names L-M, Nursing Majors: Last Names L-MAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadBridget JohnsonCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931bridgetjohnson@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names Hi-K, Has-He, Nursing Majors: Last Names Hi-K, Has-He, Health Sciences-Radiologic Sciences Majors: Last Names G-MAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Jackson-HopkinsJackson HopkinsCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931jkhopkins@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names O-R, Ca-Car, Nursing Majors: Last Names O-R, Ca-Car, Sport Management Majors: Last Names A-E, Health Sciences-Respiratory Therapy Majors: All Last NamesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-britany-gibsonBritany GibsonCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931bgibson@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names S-Th, Nursing Majors: Last Names S-Th, Rehabilitation Sciences: All last names, Sport Management Majors: Last Names Pi-OAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadMichael "Jake" BentleyCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931mbentley@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names Ti-Z & N-Nez, Nursing Majors: Ti-Z & N-NezAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Renae-BakerRenae M. BakerCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931rmbaker@georgiasouthern.eduSport Management Majors: K-Pe, Nutrition Majors: All Last Names, Exploratory Majors: All Last NamesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-kristina-robinsonKristina RobinsonCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931kyrobinson@georgiasouthern.eduHealth Science-Medical Laboratory Science: All Last Names, Health Science-Health Informatics: All Last Names, Health Science-Health Services Administration: All Last NamesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Veliyana-VelevaVeliyana VelevaCollege of Businessvvekeva@georgiasouthern.eduRv-StevAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Nakya-CantyNakya CantyCollege of Businessncanty@georgiasouthern.eduStew-WallAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Brittany-NicholsBrittany NicholsCollege of Businessbldavis@georgiasouthern.eduLv-MoodAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Denise-DanielsDenise DanielsCollege of Businessddaniels@georgiasouthern.eduJop-LuAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Shecora-LovettShecora LovettCollege of Businesssclovett@georgiasouthern.eduHenf-JonesAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Sophia-TarverSophia TarverCollege of Businessstarver@georgiasouthern.eduGaj-HendAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Mary-DunnMary DunnCollege of Businessmcdunn@georgiasouthern.eduDk-GaiAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-KaRonda-Harris-BrutonKaRonda Harris BrutonCollege of Businesskharrisbruton@georgiasouthern.eduChb-DjaAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Jahmal RaineyJahmal RaineyCollege of Businessjrainey@georgiasouthern.eduBonf-Cha, Post Bacc, ROTCAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Marina-ShadeMarina ShadeCollege of Businessmshade@georgiasouthern.eduA-BoneAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-loren-owensLoren OwensCollege of Science and Mathematicslsowens@georgiasouthern.eduBiology (Last names Rf-Z), Math (Last names M-Z), PhysicsAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-beth-harrellBeth HarrellCollege of Science and Mathematicseharrell@georgiasouthern.eduBiology (Last names A-F), Exploratory STEMAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-emily-cowart-brownEmily Cowart-BrownCollege of Science and Mathematicsecowartbrown@georgiasouthern.eduBiology (Last names M-N)Academic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-alvinette-ricky-brooksAlvinette “Ricky” BrooksCollege of Science and Mathematicsajbrooks@georgiasouthern.eduBiology (Last names G-L), Mathematical Sciences (Last names A-L), Geography & Geosciences, Sustainability ScienceAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-danielle-blaxtonDanielle BlaxtonCollege of Science and Mathematicsdblaxton@georgiasouthern.eduBiology (Last names O-Re), Biochemistry, ChemistryAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-jaclyn-caseJaclyn CaseCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-2530jaclyncase@georgiasouthern.eduComputer Science N-Z, IT Q-Z, Software EngineeringAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-trina-hendijaniTrina HendijaniCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-2505khendijani@georgiasouthern.eduComputer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering K-Mc, Manufacturing EngineeringAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-kathy-shepherdKathy ShepherdCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-8039kshepherd@georgiasouthern.eduExploratory Engineering & Computing, Surveying-Geomatics PathwayCoordinator & Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Nicole-ProtzmanNicole ProtzmanCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-0511ncmarshall@georgiasouthern.eduComputer Science, A-MAcademic Advisor III
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-kayla-johnsonKayla JohnsonCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-0453kjohnson@georgiasouthern.eduCivil EngineeringAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-brandon-longBrandon LongCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-2503blong@georgiasouthern.eduElectrical Engineering, Construction Management A-I and W-ZAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-laura-gareyLaura GareyCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-0177lgarey@georgiasouthern.eduElectrical EngineeringAcademic Advisor II
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-melissa-jacksonMelissa JacksonCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-2828mhjackson@georgiasouthern.eduMechanical Engineering Me-ZAcademic Advisor II
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-marcelene-venegasMarcelene VenegasCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-2275mdelcampo@georgiasouthern.eduConstruction Management J-VAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-daniel-courseyDaniel CourseyCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-6065dcoursey@georgiasouthern.eduInformation Technology Online Campus, Construction Engineering A-RAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-kimberly-couchKimberly CouchCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-8038kgriswold@georgiasouthern.eduREPP (Regents Engineering Pathways Program), Information Technology A-P, Construction Engineering S-ZAcademic Advisor III
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-franklin-collinsFranklin CollinsCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-5112fcollins@georgiasouthern.eduMechanical Engineering A-JAcademic Advisor III
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Channing-BeaumanChanning BeaumanCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901pbeauman@georgiasouthern.eduCriminal Justice and Psychology (Ni-S)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-carson-beaumanCarson BeaumanCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901cstepanek@georgiasouthern.eduInternational Studies, Human Ecology (M-Z), Human Development and Family Science, Interior Design, Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design, RecreationAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-clare-ursilloClare UrsilloCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901cursillo@georgiasouthern.eduHuman Ecology (A-L), Human Development and Family Science, Interior Design, Fashion, Merchandising and Apparel Design RecreationAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-miguel-alvaradoMiguel AlvaradoCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901malvarado@georgiasouthern.eduAnthropology, Political Science, Sociology, and Exploratory Behavioral and Social SciencesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Eileen-SwanEileen SwanCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901eswan@georgiasouthern.eduCriminal Justice and Psychology (Co- Gn), Criminal Justice and Psychology (Wo-Z)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Aidan-OwensAidan OwensCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901aowens@georgiasouthern.eduCriminal Justice and Psychology (Go- Kh), Criminal Justice and Psychology (T)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-kerrin-allenKerrin AllenCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901keallen@georgiasouthern.eduCriminal Justice and Psychology (Ki- Nh), Criminal Justice and Psychology (We-Wi)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-ashleigh-brownAshleigh BrownCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901abrown@georgiasouthern.eduCriminal Justice and Psychology (A-Cn), Criminal Justice and Psychology (U-Wa)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-pamela-basultoPamela BasultoCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740pbasulto@georgiasouthern.eduWorld Languages and Cultures (Fully Online and Statesboro Campus), Multimedia & Film Production (Last Names M-Z), Public Relations (Last Names M-Z)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-inger-woodInger WoodCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740iwood@georgiasouthern.eduArt & Graphic Design (Last Names A-L), and Interdisciplinary Studies (Statesboro campus and Athletes)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-bradley-reidBradley ReidCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740bareid@georgiasouthern.eduMusic, Communication Studies, Online Interdisciplinary Studies (Last Names T-Z) and New Online Interdisciplinary StudiesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Laurie-HartlettLaurie HartlettCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740lhartlett@georgiasouthern.eduMultimedia Film & Production (A-L), Multimedia Journalism, Public Relations (A-L)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Clayton-GrantClayton GrantCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740claytongrant@georgiasouthern.eduArt & Graphic Design (Last names M-Z) and TheatreAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-megan-bowenMegan BowenCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740mbowen@georgiasouthern.eduEnglish (Fully Online and Statesboro), History, and Philosophy (Law and Religious Studies) Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies, WritingAcademic Advisor

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ScholarshipDepartmentEligibility / Award
Irene Burt Boole Botany ScholarshipBiologyThe Irene Burt Boole Botany Scholarship was created by Dr. John Boole, Professor of Botany, in honor of his wife. Dr. Boole first came to Georgia Teachers College in 1955 and retired from Georgia Southern University in 1988. The scholarship is available to Biology students whose emphasis lies within plant sciences. Candidates must be enrolled full time during the award period.
Award: Varies
Chandler ScholarshipBiologyThis scholarship is made possible through the generosity of Charles R. and Sandra B. Chandler. The Chandler Scholarship funds an intensive research experience for undergraduate students. Through this program, you will be paid to work with a faculty member for two semesters, conduct research, and report your research findings at a professional meeting. The scholarship offers an invaluable opportunity to learn biological research by working day-to-day with a faculty mentor. Students are paid a weekly stipend and provided with a budget for supplies and professional travel. Biology majors with at least 60 credit hours (30 or more from Georgia Southern) and a GPA of 2.75 are eligible. Students must make contact with a potential mentor prior to application.
Award: Pays for 2 semesters of research, including stipend for travel and supplies.
Sturgis McKeever Zoology ScholarshipBiologyThe Dr. Sturgis McKeever scholarship fund was endowed by students and friends of this former member of the Department of Biology. Dr. McKeever was a broadly trained zoologist who worked on a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate species. He authored numerous articles and developed a worldwide reputation for his photography skills. His photographs have been featured in National Geographic, Audubon, Natural History, and other journals and magazines. Dr. McKeever is most well remembered for his emphasis on academic excellence and rigor. This scholarship is offered in even-numbered years to full-time juniors or seniors (at least 60 credit hours) with an interest in some field of zoology. On odd-numbered years, the Sturgis McKeever Zoology Scholarship eligibility is limited to graduate students in the M.S. Biology program.
Award: $1,100.00
Dr. John D. Pike Memorial ScholarshipBiologyThe scholarship was established in 1995 following the death of Dr. John Douglas Pike. Dr. Pike received a BS in biology from Tufts University and an MS from the University of Tennessee (UT). In 1977, he received a doctorate of dentistry from the Medical College of Georgia (MCG). While an undergraduate student, he played football and lacrosse. During his professional career, Dr. Pike was a technician in the geophysics division at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and he worked through a NASA grant at UT. His teaching career included positions at UT, Georgia Southern University, MCG, and Armstrong Atlantic State University. He was in private dental practice in Hinesville for 11 years. At the time of his death, he was a dentist at Garden City Dental Center. The applicant for the Dr. John D. Pike Memorial Scholarship must be majoring in biology, botany, or pre-dentistry. First preference goes to pre-dentistry students. Each applicant (may be undergraduate or graduate) must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and each undergraduate applicant must be at the junior or senior level. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA and it is preferred that the recipient be active in extracurricular activities.
Award: $1,200.00
Jim Spence Ornithology ScholarshipBiologyThe Jim Spence Ornithology Scholarship was established in 2005 by his daughter, Dr. Lisa Spence. Dr. Spence received her doctorate in Education from Georgia Southern in 2007. The scholarship shall be made available to students of junior or senior status with a declared major of B.A. or B.S. in Biology and should have an interest in pursuing studies in Ornithology. The scholarship will also be made available to graduate students in the M.S. Biology program who have expressed an interest in Ornithology. Recipient must be enrolled full time and must have acquired at least one-half of their academic credits at Georgia Southern University. Scholarship can be awarded on a rotating basis between undergraduate and graduate recipients.
Award: $750.00
Bill Ponder Chemistry ScholarshipChemistry The Bill Ponder Chemistry Scholarship was endowed in 2001 by Dr. Bill Ponder and friends and faculty members within the Department of Chemistry. The scholarship honors Dr. Ponder, former Chair of the department. The scholarship is available to full time chemistry majors who have completed at least 75 hours of academic credit (45 hours at Georgia Southern University) with a minimum unadjusted GPA of 3.0. Students must have completed at least 15 hours of chemistry credit with a minimum chemistry grade point average of 3.0. Relevant extracurricular activities and work experience should be taken into consideration.
Award: $950.00
Dan Good Geography ScholarshipGeology & GeographyThe scholarship was established in 1997 by Dr. Daniel Good, a professor of geography at Georgia Southern University who began his distinguished teaching career at the institution in 1969. Dr. Good received a BA from Emory and Henry College, and he received an MS and a PhD from the University of Tennessee. The Daniel B. Good Geography Scholarship is awarded to a full time geography majors at the time of application and must maintain full time enrollment throughout the award period. Student must have a genuine interest in geography and have completed at least 50 hours of academic credits with at least 30 of those hours coming from Georgia Southern. The student must have completed at least 10 semester hours of credit in geography and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in both total hours and geography hours.
Award: Varies
Hiram Stanley Hanson Geology ScholarshipGeology & GeographyThe Hiram Stanley Hanson Geology Scholarship is available to full time students, at any class level, majoring in geology. Dr. Stanley Hanson served as the Department Chair for Geology and Geography at Georgia Southern University.
Award: $1,200.00
Bobby L. Johnson Secondary Mathematics FundMathematical SciencesThe Bobby L. Johnson Secondary Mathematics Fund was created in 2001 by Mrs. Mildred Sharkey, a 1961 alumna of Georgia Southern. The estate of Bobby Johnson stated that funds be used to support education. As a result, Georgia Southern was the recipient of an estate gift to support math majors. The scholarship is available to undergraduate or graduate students with demonstrable intent to teach secondary mathematics with a 2.5 or better GPA.
Award: Varies
Arthur G. Sparks Scholarship in Mathematics and Computer ScienceMathematical SciencesThe Arthur G. Sparks Scholarship in Mathematics and Computer Science was established in 2000 by Dr. Arthur Sparks. Dr. Sparks came to Georgia Southern in 1969 and served as the Chair of the Department of Math and Computer Science. The scholarship is available to entering freshmen who are enrolled full time and pursuing a mathematics or computer science degree. Second preference will be given to all other class levels with students who have an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.0 throughout the award period. Geographically, first preference is given to students from Bulloch County or one of the five surrounding counties (Effingham, Screven, Evans, Candler or Jenkins). Second preference will be given to students from any rural community in the State of Georgia.
Award: $800
Cynthia Ann Floyd Sikes Mathematics ScholarshipMathematical SciencesThe Cynthia Ann Floyd Sikes Mathematics Scholarship was established in 2007 by COL Charles D. Sikes in honor of his wife upon her retirement from Georgia Southern University’s Department of Mathematical Sciences, where she was an instructor. First preference for the scholarship should be given to a female candidate who is either full or part time enrolled in the Master of Science in Mathematics (MS) Program. The recipient should have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in all mathematics courses attempted at the graduate level. Second preference may be given to a male candidate meeting the same criteria. Third preference may be given to any undergraduate student in the Mathematical Sciences program.
Award: $750.00
Billy J. Lamb and Curry Colvin Memorial Math ScholarshipMathematical SciencesThe Billy J. Lamb and Curry Colvin Memorial Math Education Scholarship was established in 2009 by Robert (class of 1965) and Jane Lamb in memory of their parents. Robert served as a teacher and coach for many years before becoming an entrepreneur. Mr. Lamb was one of the original ‘dirty dozen’ credited with bringing football back to Georgia Southern University. The scholarship is available to students who are full time juniors and in good academic standing. The recipient should be enrolled in a program to earn certification to teach math at grade level(s) nine through twelve.
Award: $950.00
Woodrum-Mobley Physics ScholarshipPhysicsThe Woodrum-Mobley Physics Scholarship was established by Dr. Arthur Woodrum, retired department chair and professor of Physics, and Dr. Cleon M. “Chip” Mobley, who was named Associate Professor Emeritus of Physics upon his retirement. The scholarship is available to students who are physics majors having taken a minimum of 8 hours of math and/or physics courses from an accredited university or college. The student must have at least a 3.0 GPA in college level math and physics courses.
Award: $1,250.00
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship ProgramCOSMTeach two years at a high-needs school for each year of financial support received. GS Robert Noyce Teacher Scholars will be required to teach for six years at a high-needs school.  Complete requirements for both content and secondary education courses.  Maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.  Commit to remaining in contact with the GS Robert Noyce Teacher Scholars Program after graduation.Award: Up to $12,500 in scholarships during the final three years of undergraduate study (junior, senior, 5th year).