Research and Graduation
- Candidacy or Comprehensive Exams should be scheduled according to the program requirements.
- Select a major professor per your program policy.
- Select a research topic in consultation with the major professor.
- Select a dissertation committee
- Determine if there are departmental or program requirements regarding the dissertation committee. If a faculty member from another university or outside agency is to be appointed to the dissertation committee, appropriate documentation must be submitted for graduate faculty approval and final approval must be granted by the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies.
- Approval Pre-Prospectus and Prospectus or Dissertation Proposal as required for your program:
- Follow specific departmental guidelines for preparation and presentation.
- Follow departmental time lines for submission of proposal to the dissertation committee.
- Apply for graduation
- To apply, submit a completed application for graduation (available in your WINGS account). The application deadline is no later than the first class day of the fall semester for fall graduation and no later than the first class day of the spring semester for both spring AND summer graduation. You are encouraged to apply early.
- Pay the $35 graduation application fee by logging into your MyGeorgiaSouthern account – this fee will show on your Tuition and Fees invoice.
- Obtain approval from Institutional Review Board (IRB) or other compliance requirements, if applicable, prior to collecting data.
- Please note: If using human subjects or animals, complete the necessary documentation for IRB approval.
- Collect and analyze data, if applicable.
- Write dissertation following departmental guidelines and Electronic Thesis Dissertation (ETD) formatting specified by the College of Graduate Studies.
- Provide dissertation or supervisory committee chair and members of the committee copies (electronic file or hard copy) of the dissertation a minimum of 10 working days prior to the scheduled dissertation defense.
- Successfully defend the dissertation.
- All doctoral students who have registered at least once for courses titled dissertation must be continuously enrolled every semester thereafter, including the semester of graduation. Summer registration is not required unless summer is the graduation term. Check with your major advisor to see if your college has a different, or additional, continuous enrollment requirements that apply.
- Submit a Dissertation Defense Report, signed by the dissertation or supervisory committee chair and members of the committee, to the College of Graduate Studies by the semester deadline for reporting dissertation defense/comprehensive examination deadline.
- Committee Review – Before submitting your thesis or dissertation to the Georgia Southern Commons, your major professor and committee must review your manuscript for formatting, compliance with the style manual for the degree, and resolution of any issues identified at the thesis or dissertation defense. Please review all relevant policies and guidelines prior to submission. Make revisions to the dissertation, while still following the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Guidelines.
- When your manuscript meets all requirements, submit the dissertation in electronic format to the College of Graduate Studies. If your manuscript does not meet the requirements of clear and accurate writing, the degree’s style manual and comply with the University’s format template, it will be returned to you.
- The final electronic dissertation file must be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by the term submission deadline. Changes may not be made to final manuscripts unless requested by the College of Graduate Studies or your committee.
- Completion of the Survey of Earned Doctorates
- Begin the application for graduation here.
- Apply for graduation.
- To apply, submit a completed application for graduation (available in your WINGS account). The application deadline is no later than the first class day of the fall semester for fall graduation and no later than the first class day of the spring semester for both spring AND summer graduation. You are encouraged to apply early.
- Pay the $35 graduation application fee by logging into your account – this fee will show on your Tuition and Fees invoice.
- Check with your Graduate Program Director, advisor, or department to determine if a comprehensive/final/exit examination is required.
- If required, be sure to schedule the examination in consultation with your department and advisor by the deadline date on the Academic Calendar.
- The Comprehensive Examination and Thesis Defense Report, signed by the department chair or program director, must be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by the report submission deadline for the semester as listed at the College of Graduate Studies website.
- Begin the application for graduation here.
- Select a research topic in consultation with your major professor or thesis committee chair.
- Select a thesis or project committee.
- A minimum of three graduate faculty members serve as the thesis or project committee including the thesis or project chair.
If a faculty member from another university is to be appointed to the thesis committee, approval must be received from the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies.
- A minimum of three graduate faculty members serve as the thesis or project committee including the thesis or project chair.
- Review Degree Completion Requirements (DegreeWorks Program Audit or Program of Study)
- Apply for graduation.
- To apply, submit a completed application for graduation (available in your WINGS account). The application deadline is no later than the first class day of the fall semester for fall graduation and no later than the first class day of the spring semester for both spring AND summer graduation. You are encouraged to apply early.
- Pay the $35 graduation application fee by logging into your account – this fee will show on your Tuition and Fees invoice.
- Master’s students completing a program in which a thesis is required must complete and file the Application for Approval of Thesis Topic and Committee Membership (Thesis Prospectus) Form.
- Any research project involving human or vertebrate animal subjects, recombinant DNA and/or biohazardous materials must be submitted to the appropriate university review board for approval.
- Collect and analyze data, if applicable
- Write thesis following departmental guidelines and Electronic Thesis Dissertation (ETD) formatting specified by the College of Graduate Studies.
- Provide the Thesis Committee Chair and committee members copies (electronic file or hard copy) of the thesis a minimum of 10 working days prior to the scheduled defense.
- Successfully defend the thesis or project as required.
- Be sure to schedule the Thesis defense in consultation with your department, advisor or program director by the deadline date on the College of Graduate Studies website.
- You must be enrolled in a minimum of one (1) credit hour the semester the defense is scheduled, the semester in which the degree is completed and each semester during which university facilities and/or faculty/staff time are utilized.
- Before submitting your thesis or dissertation to the Georgia Southern Commons, your major professor and committee must review your manuscript for formatting, compliance with the style manual for the degree, and resolution of any issues identified at the thesis or dissertation defense. Please review all relevant policies and guidelines prior to submission. Make revisions to the dissertation, while still following the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Guidelines.
- When your manuscript meets all requirements, submit the dissertation in electronic format to the College of Graduate Studies. If your manuscript does not meet the requirements of clear and accurate writing, the degree’s style manual and comply with the University’s format template, it will be returned to you.
- The final electronic dissertation file must be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by the term submission deadline. Changes may not be made to final manuscripts unless requested by the College of Graduate Studies or your committee.
- The Comprehensive Examination and Thesis Defense Report, signed by the department chair or program director, must be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by the report submission deadline.
- If you are completing a program in which a thesis is not required or completing a program with a non-thesis option, check with your Graduate Program Director, advisor, or department to determine if a comprehensive/final/exit examination is required.
- Begin the application for graduation here.