Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Pathways

Georgia Southern students in computer lab, Student focusing on computer programming

You know where you’re going. Why not get there sooner?

Georgia Southern University’s array of career-oriented, hands-on master’s programs equip you for success and give you the edge in a competitive job market. If you’re an ambitious, goal-driven undergraduate, our accelerated bachelor’s to master’s (ABM) pathways streamline this route — and prepare you to take flight.

Once accepted into one of the pathways below, you’ll begin graduate coursework during your senior year while satisfying the requirements for your bachelor’s degree at the same time. This format allows you to complete your undergraduate and master’s degrees together in as little as five years. You’ll also save money and avoid the disruption of starting over at a new university. 

To soar beyond at your preferred pace, explore all available accelerated pathways and find out how to apply.

Why Earn a Master’s Degree?

Gain the qualifications needed to access advanced positions in your field immediately after graduation and jump-start your career. You’ll also unlock higher pay and opportunities to focus on work that matches your interests.


Higher earnings

For master’s degree versus bachelor’s degree holders.


Higher pay

For doctoral-holding candidates compared to workers with bachelor’s degrees.


Median annual salary

For those with a master’s degree.

Applying to an Accelerated Pathway

You’ve set your eyes on the prize. Now understand how to make your move.

Talk to Your Advisor

As your starting spot, discuss your interest in an ABM program with your academic advisor. Ideally, you’ll want to begin exploring this path by your sophomore year.


You must be enrolled as a Georgia Southern undergraduate student to apply for entry into an ABM pathway. Additional eligibility requirements — including GPA, credits earned and area of study — vary by program.

Fill Out an Approval Form

To begin an ABM pathway, complete and submit an approval form. You’ll typically take this step in your junior year. Approval does not mean acceptance into the master’s program.

Want to learn more about ABM? Visit our request for information form.

Complete a Graduate Application

During the last semester of your undergraduate studies, you’ll complete the graduate application to continue the master’s portion of the ABM pathway.

Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Pathways

From science and engineering to education and public administration, Georgia Southern offers a rich variety of ABM pathways to propel your career forward. Review the approval requirements for each program below.

Graduate DegreeUndergraduate DegreeUndergraduate Degree College
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Applied Physical Science (BA/BS), ArmstrongCollege of Science and Mathematics
  • Student must complete a minimum of 24 semester credit hours in their major courses for either a biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, or geosciences degree.
  • Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 overall in their major courses or at the discretion of the graduate admissions committee.
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Applied Physical Science (BS), ArmstrongCollege of Science and Mathematics
  • Student must complete a minimum of 24 semester credit hours in their major courses for either a biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, or geosciences degree.
  • Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 overall in their major courses or at the discretion of the graduate admissions committee.
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Applied Physical Science (BS), ArmstrongCollege of Science and Mathematics
  • Student must complete a minimum of 24 semester credit hours in their major courses for either a biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, or geosciences degree.
  • Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 overall in their major courses or at the discretion of the graduate admissions committee.
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Applied Physical Science (BS), ArmstrongCollege of Science and Mathematics
  • Student must complete a minimum of 24 semester credit hours in their major courses for either a biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, or geosciences degree.
  • Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 overall in their major courses or at the discretion of the graduate admissions committee.
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Applied Physical Science (BS) of Science and Mathematics
  • Student must complete a minimum of 24 semester credit hours in their major courses for either a biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, or geosciences degree.
  • Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 overall in their major courses or at the discretion of the graduate admissions committee.
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
StatesboroMaster of Public Administration & Tourism Management (BS) of Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • Student must have earned a minimum of 90 credit hours and have completed an application for admission to the MPA-ABM program.
  • Student must be a declared major in the Recreation B.S. degree program, with an emphasis in Outdoor Recreation or Tourism and Community Leisure Services.
  • Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.25.
  • Student must meet all of the other criteria for Regular Admission into the MPA program. Provisional Admission will not be allowed.
Statesboro, OnlineMaster of Accounting (BBA) College of Business
  • Be enrolled as a current Georgia Southern undergraduate student majoring in Accounting.
  • Have earned at least 75 credit hours, including ACCT 3131.
  • Have an earned GPA of 3.0/4.0 or better in all undergraduate coursework.
  • Have an earned GPA of 3.0/4.0 or better in accounting undergraduate coursework.
StatesboroMaster of Science in Mechanical Engineering Engineering (BS) E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
  • Be enrolled in the undergraduate mechanical engineering program (B.S.M.E) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Southern University.
  • Have completed no less than 25 and no more than 50 credits of ENGR and MENG courses, or permission of Department Chair.
  • Must have 3.0 or better Georgia Southern Institutional GPA. ABM programs do not allow provisional admission.
StatesboroMaster of Science in Civil Engineering Engineering (BS) E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
  • Be enrolled as a current Georgia Southern undergraduate student majoring in Civil Engineering (CE).
  • Have completed at least 25 credit hours of undergraduate coursework in the CE discipline including: MATH 1441, MATH 2242, PHYS 2211K,PHYS 2212K and CENG 1133.
  • Have a 3.0 (4.0 scale) cumulative grade point average or higher on courses in undergraduate work.
StatesboroMaster of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering Engineering (BS) E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
  • Be a current Georgia Southern undergraduate student majoring in Electrical Engineering (EE).
  • Have completed at least 25 credit hours of undergraduate coursework in EE discipline including MATH 1441, MATH 2242, PHYS 2211K, PHYS 2212K, ENGR 1731, ENGR 1732, and ENGR 2332.
  • Have a 3.0 (4.0 scale) cumulative grade point average or higher on courses in undergraduate work.
StatesboroMaster of Science in Manufacturing Engineering Engineering (BS) E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
  • Have completed at least 25 credit hours of undergraduate coursework in MFGE courses including MFGE 2531, MFGE 2142, MFGE 2533, MFGE 2239, and MFGE 2534.
  • Have a 3.0 or higher Georgia Southern Institutional GPA.
StatesboroMaster of Science in Information Technology Technology (BS), ArmstrongAllen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
  • Enrollment as a current Georgia Southern undergraduate student majoring in Information Technology.
  • Completed at least 45 credit hours completed in the undergraduate program; including the courses MATH 1111, COMM 1110, STAT 1401, IT 1130, and IT 2333, each with a grade of C or better.
  • A 3.0 (4.0 scale) cumulative GPA or higher in undergraduate coursework.
Statesboro, Armstrong, OnlineMaster of Science in Computer Science Science (BS), ArmstrongAllen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
  • Enrollment as a current Georgia Southern undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science.
  • Between 75 and 95 (inclusive) credit hours completed in the undergraduate program; including the courses CSCI 1301, CSCI 1302, CSCI 3230 and CSCI 3236, each with a grade of C or better.
  • A 3.0 (4.0 scale) GPA in computer science undergraduate coursework. ABM programs do not allow provisional admission. ABM programs are designed for students who have demonstrated a high level of undergraduate academic performance that validates their ability to be successful graduate students.
  • Students who do not meet the minimum requirements for regular admission may be granted admission to the program upon approval of an admissions committee consisting of at least the Department Chair and the Graduate Program director.
OnlineMaster of Education, Special Ed Education (BSEd) of Education
  • Enrollment as a current Georgia Southern undergraduate student majoring in the Special Education B.S.Ed. (Certification Track) program.
  • Between 60 and 95 credit hours in progress in the undergraduate program; including the courses, Assessment in Special Education (SPED 3131), Special Education Procedures (SPED 3134), and The Teaching of Reading (READ 4131) with a “C” or better.
  • Complete Characteristics of Learners with Disabilities (SPED 3130) with a “B” or better.
  • A 3.0 (4.0 scale) GPA or higher in undergraduate core coursework.
  • A 3.0 (4.0 scale) GPA in Special Education B.S.Ed. (Certification Track) undergraduate coursework.
  • Must complete a graduate school application to the Special Education (Grades P-12) M.Ed. (Online) program and select the ABM option in the fall of the student’s junior year. The application must include a letter of recommendation from a current Special Education faculty member.
  • Must be on track to complete certification in the teaching area prior to admission.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Environmental Science (BA/BS), ArmstrongCollege of Science and Mathematics
  • An overall minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale in their major courses, or at the discretion of the graduate admission committee.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
  • Applicant’s Statement of Purpose to include their interest in the program, relevant research experience, and future plans.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Environmental Science (BS), ArmstrongCollege of Science and Mathematics
  • An overall minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale in their major courses, or at the discretion of the graduate admission committee.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
  • Applicant’s Statement of Purpose to include their interest in the program, relevant research experience, and future plans.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Environmental Science (BS), ArmstrongCollege of Science and Mathematics
  • An overall minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale in their major courses, or at the discretion of the graduate admission committee.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
  • Applicant’s Statement of Purpose to include their interest in the program, relevant research experience, and future plans.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Environmental Science (BS), ArmstrongCollege of Science and Mathematics
  • An overall minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale in their major courses, or at the discretion of the graduate admission committee.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
  • Applicant’s Statement of Purpose to include their interest in the program, relevant research experience, and future plans.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Environmental Science (BS) of Science and Mathematics
  • An overall minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale in their major courses, or at the discretion of the graduate admission committee.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
  • Applicant’s Statement of Purpose to include their interest in the program, relevant research experience, and future plans.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Environmental Science Science (BS), ArmstrongCollege of Science and Mathematics
  • An overall minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale in their major courses, or at the discretion of the graduate admission committee.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work.
  • Applicant’s Statement of Purpose to include their interest in the program, relevant research experience, and future plans.
OnlineMaster of Arts in Teaching, Special Education Certification Studies, Armstrong, OnlineCollege of Arts and Humanities
  • Complete requirements for a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.
  • Present a transcript evaluation by the College of Education’s Director of the Graduate Academic Services Center with completion of specified prerequisite content coursework for one or more content areas. More about required prerequisite content coursework requirements and the transcript evaluation process.
  • Present a cumulative 2.50 (4.0 scale) grade point average or higher on all undergraduate and graduate work combined.
  • Present a total adjusted GPA of 2.75 or higher on all teaching field course work.
  • Submit a passing score on the state-required Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment.
  • Qualify for a Georgia Pre-Service certificate or Provisional certificate (see Certification section in the Graduate Catalog).
  • Submit a personal statement of purpose, not to exceed 200 words, that identifies the applicant’s reasons for pursuing graduate study and how admission into the program relates to the applicant’s professional aspirations.
  • Acknowledge ”Disclosure and Affirmation” statements that address the Code of Ethics for Educators and the need for tort liability insurance.
  • International applicants and U.S. citizens whose native language is not English must demonstrate competence in English. Applicants must take and pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The official TOEFL score may not be more than two years old. Those who do not meet the minimum proficiency standard may be recommended for enrollment in University English courses or for English courses offered by the English Language Program (ELP) on campus prior to admission to the program.
  • If an applicant was previously enrolled in an initial teacher preparation program, an interview must be completed with the Program Coordinator prior to admission.
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Science in Mathematics, Mathematical Sciences (BS), ArmstrongCollege of Science and Mathematics
  • Be enrolled as a current Georgia Southern undergraduate student majoring in Mathematical Sciences.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.0 scale) overall as well as in all MATH and STAT courses taken.
  • Have completed MATH 2243, MATH 2332, and MATH 2160, or gain permission of the graduate admissions committee.
Statesboro, OnlineMaster of Public Administration Development & Family Science of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Requirements for ABM Pathway approval:

  • 1. Enrollment as a current Georgia Southern undergraduate student.
  • 2. Student must complete a minimum of 24 semester credit hours in their major courses for either geography, geology, sustainability, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, or physics degree.
  • 3. Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 overall in their major courses or at the discretion of the graduate admissions committee.
  • 4. Two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s potential to complete successful graduate work
Statesboro, ArmstrongMaster of Arts, Spanish World Languages and Cultures, Concentrations in Spanish Studies or Spanish for the Professions, Armstrong, OnlineCollege of Arts and Humanities

Requirements for ABM Pathway approval:

  • 1. Enrollment as a current Georgia Southern undergraduate student.
  • 2. Have completed a minimum of 15 semester credit hours in their major courses towards the BA in World Languages and Cultures degree with Concentration in Spanish Studies or Spanish for the Professions.
  • 3. Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 overall in their major courses or at the discretion of the graduate admissions committee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about how the ABM pathways work? Start here to explore answers to some of the most common questions about these 3+2 programs.

This format allows students to complete requirements for two degrees in an accelerated fashion, reducing the overall cost and time required to complete a master’s degree.

To apply, a student must be at least a junior in their bachelor’s program.

To be considered, you must complete this form. Once you complete your undergraduate requirements, you will submit a graduate application.

This varies by program: Most require you to earn a “B” or better in all graduate-level coursework.

Once enrolled in an ABM program and all of your undergraduate requirements have been completed, you will need to submit a graduate application for graduate program enrollment.

Some programs might require a thesis. Be sure you speak with both bachelor’s and master’s advisors when making your choice.

You must begin graduate classes when your graduate admit term starts. Your start term depends on when you complete your undergraduate requirements and when your graduate program admits you.

Speak to your admissions counselor to see if this is a beneficial pathway.

An ABM student stands in front of a sign for Georgia Southern's College of Graduate Studies

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Soar farther and faster. Georgia Southern’s efficient, seamless bachelor’s to master’s programs support you as you take a giant leap toward your dreams.

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