

The Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET accredits the Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Construction Engineering, Electrical EngineeringMechanical Engineering, and Manufacturing Engineering undergraduate programs. 

The Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET accredits the undergraduate Computer Science and Information Technology degree programs.

the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) accredits the Construction Management undergraduate degree program.


For students like you who want to explore, innovate and inspire, the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing offers the following departments and degree programs.

  • 6 Academic Departments: Civil Engineering & Construction | Computer Science | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Information Technology | Manufacturing Engineering | Mechanical Engineering
  • 11 Undergraduate Degrees: B.S. in Civil Engineering | B.S. in Construction | B.S. in Construction Engineering | B.S. with a major in Computer Science | B.S. in Electrical Engineering | B.S. in Computer Engineering | B.S. in Information Technology | Bachelor’s in IT Online | B.S. in Manufacturing Engineering | B.S. in Mechanical Engineering | B.S. in Software Engineering
  • 6 Graduate Degrees: M.S. in Civil Engineering | M.S. in Computer Science | M.S. in Electrical Engineering | M.S. in Information Technology | M.S. in Manufacturing Engineering with a concentration in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering or Engineering Management | M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
  • Coming in January 2024: New Ph.D. programs: Applied Computing and Engineering!


As Georgia Southern’s second largest college with over 4,000 students, we offer coursework on two campuses and online. Our college has evolved along with today’s technology and workforce needs. See our student enrollment and graduation data here.

College Operations

College operations are governed by the Policies of the Board of Regents , the Statutes of Georgia Southern University and its Faculty Handbook, the College By-Laws and the College Policies & Procedures Manual.

The Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing is organized with a dean and a faculty. The dean of the College is one of the administrative officers of the University. He/she is the chief executive officer of the College and reports to the vice president for academic affairs. The dean is assisted by two associate deans — one for Students and Curriculum, and the other for Faculty and Research (currently vacant); an Assistant Dean for the Armstrong Campus; and a Director of Industrial Relations. The College is organized by departments. Currently, there are six departments, namely Civil Engineering & Construction, Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Manufacturing Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

Standing Committees and Council

There are seven standing committees of the College and one council.

  • Assessment and Accreditation
  • Governance Committee
  • Faculty Development, Promotion and Tenure Committee
  • Curriculum and Programs Committee
  • College Awards Committee
  • College Research Committee
  • Student Scholarships Committee
  • Chairs’ Council

College Committees

CHAIR:MembersDept.Term EndsTerm
 Soonkie NamCEC20251st
 Lixin LiCS20241st
 Nick MoazzamECE20252nd
 Christopher KadlecIT20241st
 Kamran KardelMfgE20251st
 Marcel IlieMechE20241st
 Ashraf SaadAssist. Deanex officio 

CHAIR: Reinhold GerbschMembersDept.Term EndsTerm
 Myung JeongCEC20252nd
 Kai WangCS20241st
 Rocio Alba-FloresECE20241st
 Christopher KadlecIT20252nd
 Haijun GongMfgE20252nd
 David CalamasMechE20252nd
 Reinhold GerbschDirectorex officio 
 David WilliamsAssoc. Deanex officio 

CHAIR: Ashraf SaadMembersDept.Term EndsTerm
 Saman HedjaziCEC20252nd
 Ryan FlorinCS20241st
 Seungmo KimECE20241st
 Hayden WimmerIT20251st
 Yue “Jack” ZhangMfgE20241st
 Sevki CesmeciMechE20251st
 Ashraf SaadAssist. Deanex officio 

CHAIR: David CalamasMembersDept.Term EndsTerm
 George FuCEC20242nd
 Hong ZhangCS20242nd
 Fernando RiosECE20252nd
 Atef ShalanIT20251st
 Lianjun WuMfgE20241st
 David CalamasMechE20241st
 David WilliamsAssoc. Deanex officio 

CHAIR:  Gustavo MolinaMembersDept.Term EndsTerm
 Seonghoon KimCEC20252nd
 Ray Tyler-HashemiCS20251st
 Mohammad AhadECE20241st
 Lei ChenIT20251st
 Haijun GongMfgE20241st
 Gustavo MolinaMechE20242nd
 Ashraf SaadAssist. Deanex officio 

CHAIR: David WilliamsMembersDept.Term EndsTerm
 Xiaoming YangCEC20251st
 Weitian TongCS20251st
 Masoud DavariECE20251st
 Lei ChenIT20241st
 Yue ZhangMfgE20251st
 Jinki KimMechE20241st
 David WilliamsAssoc. Deanex officio 

Award RepresentationMembersDept.Term Ends
Staff Member of the YearWendy FletcherMechE2026
 Michelle HallCEC2025
 Christopher GerdmannMechE2024
Faculty Award for ResearchSevki CesmeciMechE2026
 Prakashbhai BhoiMechE2025
 Mosfequr RahmanMechE2024
Faculty Award for TeachingAtef ShalanIT2026
 Lei ChenIT2025
 Fernando RiosECE2024
Faculty Award for ServiceDavid CalamasMechE2026
 Frank KatzIT2025
 Marcel MaghiarCEC2024