Seminar Series

Georgia Southern University’s Department of Biology hosts a weekly seminar series. The purpose of this series is to enable biologists from around the country to share their newest discoveries and ideas with our students, and we encourage students to engage with our honored guests in post-seminar discussions. Unless otherwise noted, seminars will be held on Mondays at 11:15 a.m., at either the Statesboro (Biological Sciences, Room 1109) or Armstrong (Science Center, Room 1107) campuses. Seminars also will be live-streamed via Zoom. Scroll down past the schedule for instructions for joining a Zoom-based seminar.

Jan 13Cell & Molecular Candidate #1
Jan 20MLK Holiday
Jan 27Cell & Molecular Candidate #2
Feb 3Coastal Forest Ecohydrology on the Marsh Margins
Georgianne Moore, Ph.D.
Georgia Southern University
Georgianne MooreStatesboro
Feb 5
Cell & Molecular Candidate #3
Feb 10Dynamic Landscape of the Venus Flytrap Transcriptome
Jeremy Rentsch, Ph.D.
Francis Marion University
Heather JoestingVirtual
Feb 17Jellyfish and Beyond: The Ecological Role of Gelatinous Zooplankton in Marine Ecosystems
Laura Treible, Ph.D.
Savannah State
John CarrollStatesboro
Feb 24TBA
Mar 3The effect of vertebrate remains concealment on insect attraction and colonization
Gillian Johnson Exit Seminar
Georgia Southern University
Ed MondorStatesboro
Mar 6
1:30 PM
Epigenetic potential remains stable over 100 years after introduction
Danielle Dawkins Exit Seminar
Georgia Southern University
Aaron SchreySC 1107 (Armstrong)
Mar 10TBA
Mar 17Spring break (no seminar)
Mar 24
10:30 AM
Analyzing DNA methylation among populations of the invasive Mediterranean house gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus)
Sarah Murray
Georgia Southern
Aaron SchreyArmstrong
SC 1107
Mar 25
2:00 PM
Diversity of digenean trematodes parasitizing bats in two regions of Panama and the detection of Neorickettsia in a bat digenean
Alex McFarland
Georgia Southern
Stephen GreimanStatesboro
BSCI 2250
Mar 27
9:00 AM
Julia Frees
Georgia Southern
BSCI 2250
Mar 31Journey to becoming an aquatic ecologist in the forestry sector and what my role entails
Dr. Daniel Hanks
Weyerhaeuser, inc.
Checo Colon-GaudStatesboro
Apr 7TBA
Apr 14Dr. William Annis
Clemson University
Apr 21TBA
Apr 28Dr. Bronwyn Williams
North Carolina Museum of Sciences
Checo Colon GaudStatesboro
May 5Dr. Natasha Techen
University of Mississippi
Marylou MachingaVirtual
May 30Skyler Fox
Georgia Southern
Lissa LeegeStatesboro

Instructions for Joining a Seminar

Zoom seminar link

To join a seminar, click the above link. You will be directed to a page with a popup dialog box. If a dialog box doesn’t pop up, check that you have allowed popup windows in your security and adblocker settings. When you click Open Zoom Meetings in the dialog, it will launch the Zoom application and take you to the meeting. If you don’t have the Zoom application installed, you will have the option to download it or to join from your browser. Zoom will then ask for your name (to display to others) as well as your email address (not displayed to others). Finally, Zoom may ask for the Webinar ID: 818 8364 3486 and passcode: dx8578B!+F

*If you are interested in viewing a job seminar, please contact Dr. Stephen Greiman.

For more information, contact Isaac Park.