Office of Testing Services- Statesboro
Cone Hall Room 2004 | PO Box 8132
2254 Southern Drive
Statesboro, GA 30460-8132
912.478.5415 (phone)
Office of Testing Services – Savannah (Armstrong Campus)
Student Success Complex Bldg, Room 1025
11935 Abercorn Street
Savannah, GA 31419
912.344.2582 (phone)
ATI TEAS for Allied Health Professionals (Radiologic Sciences) or ATI TEAS for Nursing
Offered in Savannah and Statesboro
Group Testing Dates
The TEAS (Version 7) for Allied Health Professionals is administered Monday – Friday with specific dates. Register for a group date at the Georgia Southern University Office of Testing Services Marketplace. Select the testing date and time you would like to schedule the exam.
A candidate has two attempts per year to take the exam. A 3-week wait between the first test and the retake test is required.
Private Appointments
How to schedule an appointment? Testers can schedule an appointment to take the HESI Exam Monday through Friday between 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, based on lab availability. To schedule an appointment, you must first contact your preferred Testing Office to schedule a testing date and time before paying for the exam at the Office of Testing Services Marketplace.
Savannah: 912-344-2582 or
Statesboro: 912-478-5415 or
Testing Day
Please report to the at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam for the check-in procedure.
Bring a picture ID and your ATI login information (if you already have an ATI account). ***Late arrivals will not be admitted to the test.
Savannah Testing Office: Student Success Complex Building, Room 1025
Statesboro Testing Office: Cone Hall Room 2004
Testing Fee
The exam fee is $90, and registration dates and payments can be made with a credit/debit card or web check through the Georgia Southern Office of Testing Services Marketplace. Payment of the exam registers you for the exam date you choose from the Group Dates option.
Examination & Study Materials
The time limit is 209 minutes (about 3.5 hours). The four areas covered are Reading, Mathematics, Science, English & Language use, consisting of 170 multiple-choice total questions. Practice exams and study materials are available for review and purchase at