Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators

Offered in Savannah & Statesboro

Update from GACE for Program Admissions Exam

Effective July 1, 2022, the GACE Program Admissions Exam will no longer be offered. The exam is no longer a requirement for admission into a College of Education.

Center Numbers


STN14503A: Testing location is the College of Education ISRC Room 2165 (Primarily Monday – Friday Testing)
STN13816A: Testing location is Cone Hall Room 2004 (Primarily World Language & Saturday Testing)


STN14607A: Testing location is Student Success Complex Building, Room 1025


The Georgia Professional Standards Commission (PSC) has initiated the development of the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators™ (GACE™), to assess the knowledge and skills of individuals seeking certification as Georgia public school educators. The Georgia assessments will be fully aligned with national standards, the Georgia Performance Standards for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12, and the Georgia educator preparation rules.

The GACE has testing windows when specific exams are administered and some exams are administered year-round, see when the specific exam will be offered at their website.

Learn more about the GACE, Registration, and Testing Centers at the GACE website.

Test Preparation

There are several opportunities to prepare for the GACE including utilizing the test preparation materials on the GACE website.

GACE Test Prep